Tuesday, January 10, 2012


All we have to do now is takes these Lies and make them true somehow...  All we have to see is that I don’t belong to you and you don’t belong to me...

Lyrics from George Michaels Freedom!  This is what runs thru my mind when I read about all the Political goings on that are happening not just in the “Live Free or Die State” of NH but all around the country.
The reason this hits a cord with me is because if you look at the words (forget about it being about George Michael’s life) but focus on what our Political System needs to try to be.
All we have to do now is take these lies and make them true somehow: Remember the old saying “In every lie in there lays the truth”.  Well with the politicians and what they say or “promise” lays some truths.  It is just binded and bound by a system that allows its Politicians to vote for laws that affect their jobs, their status, and their pay.  Not a system where the “People” truly are thought of before special interest groups.  There is no police who are policing the police in Government at the highest level where there should be.  Everyone worries about getting reelected so they are pandering to the masses instead of standing up for what they feel is right.
I understand that we sheepeople  are to blame for this by not demanding more from our Politicians other than “what have you done for me lately” mentality but there has to be a break in this vicious circle.
Yes ok so you may not please everyone but for goodness sake at least stand for something that pleases you and go from there.
Have you ever been around someone who is passionate about something and watch how they act and what their energy is?  IT is truly an amazing site to see! 
Now look at the Politicians and how they have no passion.  Oh they might say they are passionate about one specific subject and use that as their platform but it’s not of their choosing.  It is a subject that they feel will win the most votes.
We are a society that needs to work together and you do need the infrastructure other wise there is chaos but you don’t need to police people’s “Morals” what needs to be policed would be the peoples safety. 
All we have to see is that I don’t belong to you and you don’t belong to me: I think I am definitively leaning more towards states rights as each state is different in what their people’s need and wants are.  There is something to be said for unity but there is also something to be said for individualism.  We are our own people and need to remember that our Politicians are their own people too so cannot not fix something with just a law here and a law there. 
I don’t belong to you… You don’t belong to me...   We as a people do not own our Politicians they are after all just people like the rest of us but in turn the Politicians do not own us and cannot control everyone with laws that are unnecessary and not needed as without them we can still function as a society.
Look at what each Politician is focused on... Do any of them have a plan to work with Congress and the Senate as to how to achieve what is needed?  Or is it just more of grandstanding and saying you’re the best choice but not backing up your words with any actions?
Again... All we have to do now is takes these Lies and make them true somehow...  All we have to see is that I don’t belong to you and you don’t belong to me...

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