Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Change is here and I am ready

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers sang that “The waiting is the hardest part” but it’s not the waiting it’s the change.  We all have different factors in our lives that motivate us to change.  Some have life events that thrust them into that change.  Others have the will to and foresight to see that they need to change to be who they want to be and then there are people like me.  I see the change that is needed but there has always been this wall that no matter what I tried I could not get over or break thru. 
That has changed in the last few weeks, I have admitted I needed help and have gone after that help.  This is the change that was so hard for me for so long.  I wanted to be strong enough to do this on my own but really I was just hurting myself and not realizing why. 
Change is here and I am ready and doing the work but it is still hard and that is why Today starts today because the change comes from within.

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